NEMWSI 2020: Online workshop recordings

About The Workshop


IIT Madras and City, University of London conducted the 1st Indo-UK Workshop in India during 2018, as part of the collaborative project funded by DST and UKIERI. The second workshop was planned via online. The 2nd International workshop was organized by IITMadras, City, UoL and UCL, UK. The list of 16 speakers for this online workshop discussed about various topics in coastal vegetation, wave energy device and its integration with coastal structures, sloshing, slamming, Large Scale experiments (from GWK) & its importance, SPH, Numerical modelling of helicopter ditching, Multi-scale hybrid modelling, LES in coastal hydrodynamics and many more. The workshop had two sessions, the first session was for SPARC Project and second session for the DST-UKIERI Project.



((( Enlace a las sesiones grabadas del Taller en línea del NEMWSI )))

Ultima actualización:18/02/2021

Federación de identidades UCOL.